Cloud Computing

Google has become one of the most prosperous companies online today. It started with the search engine, “Google” but now there are many more tools that are available to everyone through Google’s website. Many people are unaware of the powerful tools Google offers.

ZackTek has become familiar with many of these tools and would like to share our knowledge with you.

Expand your business’ communications: Ensure that you are making the best, most accurate decisions. When you update your calendar, everyone knows you’ve updated your calendar. When you make a change to a Doc, everyone immediately sees the change. This establishes a new level of synchronization. Find the right package for you!

(Call for seminar scheduling or class scheduling)

Become a very prepared student: Have all your previously needed Office Tools online! Forget your flash drive? Forgot to save? Doesn’t even matter with Google Docs. Anywhere you have internet, (phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop) you can have automatically updated documents wherever you are. Software, free. Storage, free. Let ZackTek elaborate the cloud life for you!

Call for Training and Scheduling:
(609) 751 – 7330

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